Bringing Hope to At-risk Kids and Families
Zona de Esperanza or Hope Zone is an organization branched out of Youth With A Mission in Baja California, Mexico. Years ago, they started to work with at-risk kids and families in the heart of Tijuana.

As part of the creative design process, the primary goal was to create the symbolic concept of "hope" that would be relevant to their culture and their vision for this organization. After doing some research, I came across the imagery of birds related to the term (usually doves). Instantly I also remembered the parable in the Bible about where even a sparrow cannot fall without God's notice, implying that no suffering goes unnoticed. The chosen bird symbol displays all elements that Zona de Esperanza stands for and believes in: it represents hope, flying with open wings with faith for a future, and the practical abilities to accomplish its purposes. The color theme and stained glass design maintain the central theme of the previous organization's visual motifs.
Once again, I was blessed to join a fantastic group of people who, against all the odds, choose daily to believe and endure to help those in need and bring hope where it seems lost. Sometimes it is hard to know the deep needs there are around us. It takes personal commitment and sacrifices to be in the midst of them and make them our own. It takes courage to stand in the gap in behalf of those who no one may notice. These group may not be largely known, or their impact may never be highly recognized. But, if we were to ask one of those kids or those family members, we will realize that what it seems so little at times, can truly make a change.
So dream big and small. It is the little steps, the small gestures, the unseen choices that sometimes make the most significant impact!
If you are interested in learning more about this organization and their work, contact me, and I will get you directly connected with them.
Macarena White
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